Incognito photos and short videos, anonymous posting.
No registration, no sign in -- just open the app, start taking photos and short videos, and see whats posted by other people nearby today.
The most minimalistic social sharing possible, yet, its the most relevant one as well. Its relevant in time and space. You only see what may potentially matter to you. You do not have to spend time and effort making connections, describing your profile etc. You just start using it.
The feed will always stay relevant for your location and time. If you see something you do not like -- just delete it, which will have an effect of drastically increasing the quality of the content for everyone, reducing the noise.
It works best for events, large and small. Wedding or celebration party, at a beach or a park, student at a campus, or a conference attendee, or a group of fans at a football game -- these all will benefit from WiSaw and will definitely make it a lot more fun.
There are 3 guiding principles WiSaw is built upon:
- Extreme simplicity
The "WiSaw" app has only 2 screens. The more complex the app gets, the easier it becomes for the business to manipulate the users behavior and the data they provide. We believe that "Less is More".
- Absolute privacy
Its achieved by never asking a user for any personal information (not even login). There is no data -- there is nothing to leak. All data we collect is short lived -- everything disappears from the system after short while -- again, this makes it difficult to leak the data which we do not have.
- Complete transparency (product)
To make a software product useful and interesting for the users, it does need to have access to some data. All data we collect is public. Everyone can see and do everything with it -- there are no special roles and permissions. We do not moderate any of the content the users upload -- we believe in the power of the community to do the right thing. If anyone finds some content to be offensive, they can simply delete it, which will also improve the quality of the data for everyone else.
- Complete transparency (company)
How do you know, we are not lying to you? Simple -- every line of code we write is published to the OpenSource repository in GitHub. Check it out: